Ron LeGrand
Ron Legrand Gold Club
6-Point Review - Scam or Not?
not affiliated with Ron LeGrand or Ron LeGrand Gold Club
[Sources for reviews include the Better Business Bureau, Attorneys
General, FTC, customer input, and our personal review. Ron LeGrand may contest anything in this review, with clear and compelling evidence]
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Ron LeGrand has been marketing his books and courses for decades. Over the years he has promoted a lot of variations of his course and now offers a "Gold Club" membership. But his help can be quite expensive - some of his seminars run $9000, while his course usually runs about $600 plus $59 per month for the Ron Legrand Gold Club. The cost for Mr. Legrand's help, however, is rather high. In fact, some of his seminars cost up to $9,000. We have been in contact with Ron LeGrand and he states he did make a lot of money in real estate, and further declares he continues to do so. Of that we have no doubt - like Bill Vaughn, Ron LeGrand is one of the "true investors", and not simply someone trying to cash in on the real estate train. But in our opinion what Ron LeGrand knows is not worth what he charges - real estate investing is not really all that complicated. Ron does teach a few basic methods, but when you consider his primary focus is on one strategy - wholesaling - then $9000 is far too much. Wholesaling is the simplest of the 24 methods of real estate investing taught by Bill Vaughn.
COACH COST: Unspecified - changes. Whether or not it includes any coaching has not been determined, but we suspect (because of the price) that the cost includes whatever support is needed. If you decide to buy into the Ron LeGrand Gold Club, be sure to first ask them point-blank if they provide mentoring, and if it is by a professional investor, and at what additional cost.
COACH QUALITY:We have been unable to determine if Ron LeGrand offers coaching, and if so, at what cost. For what he charges, however, we would expect coaching to be included. If you decide to buy into Ron LeGrands offer, or his Gold Club, do your due diligence. Ask the hard questions - is mentoring included? What is the cost? Who are the mentors - are they actual, practicing investors? And if you do not get solid answers, walk away. If coaching is included, we would trust Ron LeGrand to provide quality mentors. But don't quote us on that - it is simply our assumption based on the information currently available and our knowledge of the man, himself. We must point out that some "reviewers" like those below are not impressed with what they call the Ron LeGrand Scam or the Ron Legrand Gold Club, but those seem to be the same "gripe sites" that are, themselves, highly suspect. We report - you decide.
SUCCESS RATE: Though there are no statistics that we could locate, customer satisfaction would indicate the success rate of the Ron Legrand Gold Club to be substantially higher than many other programs, but less than Bill Vaughn's course, "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate". Satisfaction is determined in part by the lack of complaints and the BBB rating.
BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU RATING: Ron LeGrand has a good rating - "B". Better than many of the gurus. Only three gurus have a higher rating. Whenever checking out any business you know little about, always check with the BBB. If nothing else, it will tell you two things: do they let too many complaints get to the BBB before addressing them, and do they resolve those complaints. Ron Legrand has a "B" rating because he has earned it.(Bill Vaughn's course has an A+ Rating at the Better Business Bureau with no complaints listed)
OVERALL COST: It appears the cost changes periodically, and in relation to what program or book or seminar chosen.
COMMENTS: Though earlier in his career Ron LeGrand touted real estate, he, too (like Robert G Allen), now appears to be primarily in the information and internet marketing business. We have been unable to locate many Ron Legrand Gold Club success stories, though we are sure there must be some, as most customers are not complaining. At $600 a pop, books by Ron LeGrand seem rather expensive.
For the most part, Ron Legrand seems to be one of the more reputable people in the business. But the cost of his help is still quite high - much higher than necessary. Especially when you realize the book prices do not include coaching. Ron LeGrand may write very compelling and informational books, but no book is worth $600.
Before risking hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on the
Ron LeGrand or any other course, do yourself a favor and check out the
only real estate investing course that rates more than 4 stars - "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate".
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If you are truly interested in really learning how to make money
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Estate"® is worth considering.
Anonymous jacksonville 8:08pm on December 7th, 2010
I am unfortunately all to familiar with Ron LeGrand. Everything stated here about Ron LeGrand is 100% accurate. Ron LeGrand is a master marketer and knows a lot about real estate, but he also has no concern about those he or his cut-throats leave in their slimy wake. Live fast and ..... There is a God find Him or deal with Him
LTC NC 3:42pm on May 14th, 2010
My family has seen and experienced first-hand some of how Ron LeGrand 'does business'. I see no integrity in how he conducted business with an elderly couple (ages 70 & 79) in Alaska.
Ron LeGrand boasts he's a 'millionaire maker'...so please enlighten me...if Ron LeGrand is so financially successful himself, why did he default on his payments owed for Salmon Falls Resort in Ketchikan, Alaska, that he owned for just a couple of years? The original owners of the Resort spent long hours over the course of 16 years building it into the finest fishing resort in Alaska. They worked their entire lives working hard, honestly, and earning the admiration of thousands of people.
When they sold the resort to Ron LeGrand and his two partners, that elderly couple carried the note - but their 'retirement' suddenly turned to horror in December 2008 when LeGrand defaulted on his payments. He filed Bankruptcy in Alaska in May 2009, resulting in a long line of creditors in Ketchikan, Alaska wondering 'Where's the money, Ron?".
I heard he filed for bankruptcy in Texas as well.
And why did Ron's restaurant, LeGrand's Prime Alaskan Seafood & Steaks, which opened July 2008 in North Myrtle Beach, SC, close in October 2009? Another indicator of Ron's 'house of cards', falling?
Sellers beware - when it comes to selling your property to 'big talkers', no matter what they say they're 'worth', your bottom line should be, 'SHOW ME THE MONEY'.
And Buyers of real estate info... well...perhaps you should research well the person(s) making you promises of 'easy riches beyond your wildest dreams' to get you to stuff THEIR pockets full of YOUR money, before you 'invest' in their money making seminars. I don't think the truly successful ones are having to file for bankruptcies and closing down their businesses. If they were really doing so well financially, they'd be able to pay all their bills and creditors.
>Contractor G myrtle beach 9:06pm on April 18th, 2009
I did a lot of work for Ron Legrand and Ken Gwynn (LeGrand's VP) in Myrtle Beach and saw many investors lose money while they put money in their pockets. They both owe me a lot of money resulting in my having to file law suits against them. i agree with muddcat that Ken Gwynn has no superiors when it comes to cheating, lying and scamming. they ran him out of virginia, north carolina and we will run him out of MB. PS, Sam, Ken's $3M house and his office are in foreclosure!
R.N. Tademy from Bay Area , CA USA I would like to see this work as I haven't gotten his return on my investment or help from Ron Legrand's office to get this going after my initial investment.
tseverino from Illinois/Indiana US In Sept 2005 My Wife and I attended a 3 day mini sales pitch by Ron LeGrand, we signed up for the 5 day course, about 5K. There were several hundred people there, and it was some long days, 12 plus hours. While there were several other people pitching thier products, that is to be expected in the marketing business. Since that seminar, we have bought and sold over 30 houses, without any of our own money. We follow the program as it is laid out. It is work, hard work. We usually put in 12 hour days, sometimes 7 days a week. We also find tons of time wasters out there. But it only takes one call to get a free house. I find lots of people who went to the course and havent done any deals. They are always quick to blame the instructors, Mr Legrand, or someone else. When I ask them how much the spent on marketing, I usually get a mumble or something. Lets face it, anyone who says that Rons stuff doesnt work simply hasnt tried hard or long enough. It is a system that works, if you work it.
David from Baton Rouge, LA I have attended a few of Ron LeGrand's seminars and bootcamps. To date, I have only bought and sold one house, but my net was a little over 20K. I have also done 2 "paper deals" that has netted almost 10K. That has more than paid for the products that I bought from Ron. Now that I'm out of the red, I still have the knowledge that I received at the bootcamps. Many reviews here talk about the other teachers at the bootcamps selling their own products. Yes that does happen but outside of that, you are taught alot of information. And these other teachers all have something of value. One program that I bought at one of Ron's bootcamps was a course based in Austin Texas. The course talked about how to buy and sell paper assets and make money. The course was almost $4K but I bought it anyway. I went to the course and later used the information that I got at the course to close 2 paper deals and as I said earlier, I netted almost 10K. The best part of the paper deals is that I didn't have ANY of my own money in it and I still own a 2nd mortgage from one of the deals that is giving me cashflow each month. Remember, I didn't use any of MY money, so in my opinion, Ron Legrand is the REAL DEAL. Did I mention that I'm in college and I'm 24 years old. My parents are supportive of me and I'm going to pay for them to go to Ron's Bootcamps as well. The bootcamps have paid for themselves and I am behind Ron LeGrand 100%
All brand or product names mentioned in this Web site are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. IntelliBiz, publisher of this site is not affiliated with Armando Montelongo, Carleton Sheets, Ron Legrand, Russ Whitney, John Beck, John Alexander, Than Merrill, Larry Goins, Robert Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Conti, Dave Lindahl Robert Shemin Site presented by IntelliBiz.