Dave Lindahl
Accurate 6-Point Review - Scam or Not?
Accurate 6-Point Review - Scam or Not?
not affiliated with Dave Lindahl, ( David Lindahl ) or "Big Assets"
[Sources for reviews include the Better Business Bureau, Attorneys General, FTC, customer input, and our personal review. Dave Lindahl may contest any info provided he presents clear and compelling evidence]
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COST: Dave Lindal offers a "boot camp" that costs a whopping $5499. His study at home kit still weighs in at a whopping $995. There is NO real estate training that is worth that much. NONE!
COACH QUALITY:Again, there are mixed reviews on Dave Lindahl and his offer. Most of the folks who have contacted us feel the coaching and training leaves much to be desired, to put it kindly, with constant attempts to upsell to other boot camps or materials, just like most of the other "gurus" (with 2 exceptions). If a training course is legitimate and has value, it should be a simple matter to please the clients. That does not seem to be the case here. Only Vaughn's course, "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" provides coaching for free by actual investors, as it is offered by a non-profit.
SUCCESS RATE: Unknown. Dave Lindal publishes nothing on this.
BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU RATING: The BBB has given Lindahl's most recent business name (REmentor) an A+. Bear in mind that Mr. Lindahl has had several previous businesses, all of which had a poor reputation, like "Big Assets". But we have to give Dave Lindahl the benefit of the doubt for now.
UPDATE: For a long time we avoided doing a complete review of Dave Lindahl, primarily because he does such a great job of covering his tracks. It appears that David Lindahl changes the name of his business often - every few months to a year. Published news reports indicate these name changes are for the purpose of avoidance of debts and the hundreds of thousands of dollars in liens against his Llc's. One such Llc was "Big Assets" as noted in the excerpt, above.
So, here is our take - if you feel like spending thousands of dollars to learn how to get rich off the backs of low income and elderly persons by offering sub-standard housing and by not paying your debts, then perhaps the Dave Lindahl course is just what the doctor ordered.
Before risking hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on the Dave Lindahl course, boot camps or whatever, or any other course, do yourself a favor and check out the most effective real estate investing course available, offered by IntelliBiz - "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate"® course by renowned investor Bill Vaughn (Bill developed the "Reverse Mortgage" now used by HUD and helped develop many of today's flipping strategies). Offered by a non-profit, it is affordable to all, and includes free coaching by investors who volunteer their services to assure your success.
"The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" has the highest documented success rate of any real estate investing course. And success is the ultimate mark of a good course.
If you are truly interested in really learning how to make money in real estate and receive the benefit of free, unlimited coaching, all at a price anyone can afford, "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate"® is worth a look. It costs nothing to check it out!
All brand or product names mentioned in this Web site are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. IntelliBiz, publisher of this site is not affiliated with Armando Montelongo, Carleton Sheets, Ron Legrand, Russ Whitney, John Beck, John Alexander, Than Merrill, Larry Goins, Robert Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Conti, Dave Lindahl Robert Shemin Site presented by IntelliBiz.